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Like Me, Follow Me: Using Social Media to Boost Sales

Kari Guddeck @ Barista Pro Shop
Don't forget to check out our Drink Profit Calculator. According to Facebook, there are over 500 million active users of its site and the average user is connected to 80 pages, groups, and events. That's a lot of people finding and managing connections to their favorite businesses, groups, etc online….and that only represents one social... Read More ⇒

Let's Talk Fair Trade!

Dan Olson, National Sales Manager @ Third Street Chai
Much has been made about Fair Trade coffee, which now represents about 7.1% of US specialty coffee sales (and 3.3% of total US coffee sales). But what exactly does "Fair Trade Certified" mean? And why are so many coffee shops opting to serve Fair Trade coffee? Fair Trade Certification verifies that the coffee you are serving (or buying) was grown... Read More ⇒

Going Organic

Kari Guddeck @ Barista Pro Shop
Coffee shops are leading the charge by meeting the demands of their conscience and customer requests by going organic. The organics industry is booming - here are some tips to get you started. There's a movement sweeping the nation, the globe. What may have started as an idealistic approach to food and eating existing only in isolated... Read More ⇒
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