BPS® Blog » Posts by Month: November 2015


Mountain Cider Company - The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

2015-11-17 // By Matthew Moseley
Cider…It doesn’t have to be hard! Mountain Cider Company started over 25 years ago in Vermont on a family owned apple farm that doubled as a Christmas tree farm for the Holidays. During that time of year, the winter can be harsh, especially in the New England area, which made hunting for that perfect tree a bit miserable.  In... Read More ⇒

#MightyLeafMonday: Free Mighty Leaf Tea? I Might As Well…..

2015-11-17 // By Matthew Moseley
How does a FREE tea sampler from Mighty Leaf sound?  What if we told you, that all you have to do to receive it was snap a photo? If that sounds like a nice way to start your week, keep reading to find out how you can enter for a chance to win. It’s true, Mighty Leaf wants to see how you enjoy your favorite teas.  So, from now... Read More ⇒

BPS Thanksgiving Schedule 2015

2015-11-12 // By Bic Vu
Important Notice about BPS Holiday Hours - UPDATED 11/19/2015 Here at Barista Pro Shop, we are strong proponents of offering a continuous and infinite supply of caffeine.  However, the holidays are meant for spending time with friends and family; so, our owners have deemed that the BPS® Staff needs to take some time off to rejuvenate our... Read More ⇒
Welcome ! Remember that any order of $1750 or more qualifies for free shipping, and that you will receive at least a $50 rebate towards freight if you spend more than $750.