BPS® Blog » Posts by Month: November 2016


Lively Libations - Happy Holidays

2016-11-30 // By Multiple Authors
Are you the type of person that will be braving the cold by skiing, sledding or caroling? Or perhaps you prefer staying indoors baking, reading, or snuggling by the fire? Regardless, these drinks are sure to warm you from the inside, out; maybe even as much as your Grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies awaiting Santa on the mantle. If the... Read More ⇒

Featured Employee - Matthew Moseley

2016-11-11 // By Dana Schlingman
Over the past few weeks, I have been enjoying getting to know Barista Pro Shop as a business as well as all of the eclectic people who define it. Learning about each individual’s personal/professional story gives me clarity about how we operate as an organization and where we are headed as we continue to grow - everyone brings such a... Read More ⇒

2016 Thanksgiving Schedule

2016-11-04 // By Dana Schlingman
2016 Thanksgiving Schedule   It's that time of year again to reconnect with family and friends so we will have a slightly modified schedule. We hope you have a restful holiday enjoying delicious food with the ones you love!   Thanksgiving Schedule (Week of November 20th-26th): Customer Service Closed: Thursday 11/24  ... Read More ⇒

Red Espresso: A caffeine free alternative with a full bodied flavor

2016-11-01 // By Dana Schlingman
Occasionally I’ve noticed my love of coffee drifting into an almost addict like devotion. Usually during that brief glimmer of self-awareness, I try to reign in my caffeine consumption. To avoid jitters, 2pm lethargy and restless nights, I do sometimes resort to decaf but frankly it just isn’t the same. And while I do like tea, I really... Read More ⇒
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