Loose Leaf Tea Training Event: Are You Ready to Par-TEA?

Friday April 3, 2015 // By Matthew Moseley

Delicious Iced Tea RecipesTea is one the most consumed beverages across the globe; falling just behind water.  Here in the US, tea has not seen as much focus and attention as it now captures; since arguably the Boston Tea Party.  Which means if you’re still not capitalizing on this growing trend, now’s your time!

Tea can come in many forms and flavors.  There’s green tea, black tea, and white which all come from one plant, but vary based on how they are processed.  There’s herbal teas which in reality are not tea at all, rather dried fruit and herbs, but are prepared and used in similar applications.  Above and beyond that, tea can be served hot or cold, it could be whole leaf in a bag or sachet as well as loose leaf.

As you can see, tea is a very dynamic and broad category; however, it is also one of the most profitable products any café or coffee shop serves.  That’s why we have teamed up with Mighty Leaf to present to you a training class on loose leaf tea, recipes, and last but not least it’s use as an ingredient in cocktails!  Yes, you heard correctly after you’ve learned the basics about tea and the various forms it make take; we will whip up some recipes and do the all-important step of taste testing.Mighty Leaf Tea

This training event will be held at our Loveland, CO location on Thursday May 14th starting at 4pm. The information in this event will be valuable for you from the standpoint of management and controlling costs as well as for your baristas who will gain hands on training and a wealth of information to help them with customer service and being comfortable making suggestions or up-selling.

Although we will be highlighting tea as a cocktail ingredient, anyone is eligible to attend; unfortunately they will only be able to sample the mocktail and regular iced tea recipes.  Take a look below for a description of the event agenda and what you can expect to learn from this event.

Attendees can expect to leave with the following:

Part One:

Part Two:

If you would like to RSVP for this event, please call us toll free at 1-866-776-5288 or click here.

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Fresh, green tea leaves, ground to an ultra-fine powder with creamy body, vegetal flavor, and a hint of the sea. Green tea from Japan, Usucha Matcha i...

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1 lb. Bag - $70.00

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